Ebook Tenzin viert feest (Nederlands)
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Ebook ‘Tenzin celebrates’ (English)


This is the ebook ‘Tenzin celebrates’. It is a richly illustrated children’s book.

Tenzin is a special boy. He is from Tibet, but he lives in a monastery in India. That is where he learns to be good and kind, but it is not that easy. Especially when there is a special celebration with delicious food. Together with his cousin, Chimmi, he wants to find out.

On the last page of this book there is included background information for the reader about Tibetan monasteries and the lives of children within these monasteries.


After placing the order and successful payment the ebook will be available for download as a PDF. You can download the ebook maximum 2 times. It gets the best full colour result when opened on a tablet/iPad, laptop or mobile phone.


Language: English

Author (Dutch): Monique Tekstra-van Lochem

Translator (English): Satty VerbArt

Illustrator: René Speelman

Age: 2,5 – 8 years

Binding: PDF

Size: 15 x 15 x 0,5 cm

Pages: 32

ISBN: 978-90-830268-3-1

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